
Morton Stadium

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who took part in the Santry Athletics in Morton Stadium. You all represented your school so well and should be very proud of yourselves. It was lovely to receive compliments on the great behaviour and sportsmanship. A special shout-out to Sebastian who came first place in the boys high jump and Sophia who placed 2nd in the girls high jump. We had a great day out and we are so proud of each and every one of you!  

Minibeast Hunt

In room 3, we are learning all about minibeasts. We made the most of the good weather yesterday and conducted a minibeast hunt around the school grounds. We found lots of small and interesting insects with the help of our magnifying glasses!

Sunshine & Smiles

The first sunny day at school was a delight! 5th Class eagerly poured into the bright-colored courtyard during lunch break, excited to soak up the sunshine. The atmosphere was so cheerful and inviting. Laughter and chatter filled the air as friends gathered, enjoying their lunch and playing games. The sun’s warmth added a special touch to the day, making everyone feel energized and happy. It was a perfect opportunity to relax, socialize, and appreciate the beauty of the courtyard. The sunny break was a wonderful highlight, leaving everyone with smiles.

The children had an absolute blast making Papier-mâché hot air balloons using vibrant tissue paper. Inspired by Dr. Seuss’ whimsical creations and our science topic on Aircraft Carriers, they let their imaginations soar. They layered bright tissue paper over balloon molds, creating colorful, eye-catching designs. The room buzzed with excitement as they experimented with different patterns and textures, bringing their unique visions to life. Each balloon became a vibrant work of art, reflecting the fun and creativity of the project. The kids were thrilled to combine art with science, making the activity both educational and incredibly enjoyable!

A Sweet Triumph!

The cake sale at school was amazing! Everyone had a blast, especially the kids. There were so many yummy treats, from chocolate cakes to eton mess, and they all sold out fast. The children loved picking their favorite desserts and were super proud of their own baking. The whole place was filled with laughter and excitement. We raised a lot of money for school projects, and it really brought everyone together. It was a fantastic day and a huge success!

4th Class Trip to Henrietta Street

On the 21st of March, Ms. Doherty’s and Ms. Brennan’s 4th Classes took a trip to the Henrietta Street Museum. We have read the novel ‘The Little Bee Charmer of Henrietta Street’ by Sarah Webb, which is a book about children who lived in the tenement flats in Dublin 1 in 1911. We loved reading this book and learned so much about what life was like in the tenements in 1911.

Isabella in Ms. Brennan’s 4th Class has a personal link to the Henrietta Street tenement flats as her great-grandad and great-granny were born in Number 13 Henrietta Street and moved into Number 14 when they married before they moved to Finglas. Isabella is pictured below with a photo frame which is a picture of her granduncle when he was a child in Henrietta Street. It’s amazing to have such a personal link to what we have been learning about!

We had a great day touring the museum and learned a lot about the living conditions in the tenement flats. It was great to be able to travel back in time and act as mini-historians for the day. We ate our lunch in King’s Inn Park afterwards which was a lovely treat. A great day of fun for both of our 4th classes!

Pancake Tuesday in Room 4

We had lots of fun in Room 4 for Pancake Tuesday. We had a class pancake party. 

Bhí an-spraoi againn sa Ghaeilge. Scríobhamar an t-oideas amach do ‘Phancóga’. Bhaineamar an-taitneamh as!

Here are some pictures of our day!      




Parent Teacher Meetings

School will close next Thursday the 1st of February at 1:30pm for parent teacher meetings. Your child’s teacher will be in contact with you regarding times for you to attend your parent teacher meeting.