Welcome Back!
We hope that everyone had a lovely summer break. Just a quick reminder that school will reopen after the summer on Monday 2nd September at 8:50 a.m.
We are looking forward to seeing all our pupils soon!
All About Our School
Our 5th class pupil Tom made a project based on our school, highlighting all the wonderful things that happen in St. Malachys. Well done Tom on your fantastic work!
St. Malachys Bug Hotel
In 4th class, we were learning all about the life cycles of different bugs. We decided to build a bug hotel to provide shelter for all the insects around our school. A big thank you to our wonderful SNA Susan and her Dad Paddy for taking their time to build the bug hotel with the children.
School Tour 2024
We had a fantastic trip to Emerald Park this year for our school tour. Have a look at some of our photos from our big day out!
All Ireland Champion!!
Congratulations to our 6th class pupil Sarah Jean Browne who won first place at the All Ireland Irish Dancing Championships. We are so proud of you Sarah Jean, well done!
Attendance Award!
Ms. Doherty and Ms. Hall’s classes both celebrated their attendance awards with an exciting day out. They enjoyed watching the movie “I.F.” at the cinema, followed by a fun afternoon at the park. The students had a fantastic time enjoying well-deserved rewards.
Enrolment Form
Attached is our school enrolment form for the 2024/2025 school year.
Rowing in 6th Class
Some of our 6th class children learned how to row with the Dublin City Municipal rowing club. They were brought out in a quad boat to row on the river Liffey. The boats had a cox (this is the person who does not row but steers the boat and faces forward to give direction to the crew) and four children in each boat. Great fun was had by all, they were also very quick learners, as they worked together as a team and they listened to the directions of the cox. Well done 6th class crew!!
Sports Day 2024
We had a wonderful sports day this year. Congratulations to all the children who took part, making the day fun and enjoyable for everyone. Each and every child displayed their wonderful sportsmanship throughout the day. It was a memorable day that highlighted the importance of teamwork, perseverance and school spirit.
Wellbeing Week 2024
Wellbeing week was a huge success! The kids enjoyed taking part in a wide range of different activities such as going on a nature walk, having lunch outside, a yoga class with Ms Thomas, leaning the skill of origami and having buddy time where 4th class enjoyed collaborative painting with 6th class. We also held a hospice sunflower day where we raised money for a local hospice. Both the staff and students wore yellow on the day to celebrate the fundraiser.
A massive thank you to Ms. Hamill and Ms. Flannery for organising a great week. We all thoroughly enjoyed it.