Rowing in 6th Class

Some of our 6th class children learned how to row with the Dublin City Municipal rowing club.  They were brought out in a quad boat to row on the river Liffey.  The boats had a cox (this is the person who does not row but steers the boat and faces forward to give direction to the crew) and four children in each boat.  Great fun was had by all, they were also very quick learners, as they worked together as a team and they listened to the directions of the cox.  Well done 6th class crew!!



Sports Day 2024

We had a wonderful sports day this year. Congratulations to all the children who took part, making the day fun and enjoyable for everyone. Each and every child displayed their wonderful sportsmanship throughout the day. It was a memorable day that highlighted the importance of teamwork, perseverance and school spirit. 


Wellbeing Week 2024

Wellbeing week was a huge success! The kids enjoyed taking part in a wide range of different activities such as going on a nature walk, having lunch outside, a yoga class with Ms Thomas, leaning the skill of origami and having buddy time where 4th class enjoyed collaborative painting with 6th class. We also held a hospice sunflower day where we raised money for a local hospice. Both the staff and students wore yellow on the day to celebrate the fundraiser.
A massive thank you to Ms. Hamill and Ms. Flannery for organising a great week. We all thoroughly enjoyed it. 


Morton Stadium

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who took part in the Santry Athletics in Morton Stadium. You all represented your school so well and should be very proud of yourselves. It was lovely to receive compliments on the great behaviour and sportsmanship. A special shout-out to Sebastian who came first place in the boys high jump and Sophia who placed 2nd in the girls high jump. We had a great day out and we are so proud of each and every one of you!  

A Sweet Triumph!

The cake sale at school was amazing! Everyone had a blast, especially the kids. There were so many yummy treats, from chocolate cakes to eton mess, and they all sold out fast. The children loved picking their favorite desserts and were super proud of their own baking. The whole place was filled with laughter and excitement. We raised a lot of money for school projects, and it really brought everyone together. It was a fantastic day and a huge success!