Physical Education


In St. Malachy’s, we endorse the aims of the primary school curriculum for Physical Education:

  • To promote the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the child.
  • To develop positive personal qualities.
  • To help in the acquisition of an appropriate range of movement skills in a variety of contexts.
  • To promote understanding and knowledge of the various aspects of movement.
  • To develop an appreciation of movement and the use of the body as an instrument of expression and creativity.
  • To promote enjoyment of physical activity, develop a positive attitude towards physical activities and develop an appreciation of its contribution to lifelong health and related fitness. Consequently, the child is being prepared and equipped to enjoy an active and purposeful use of leisure time.


Curriculum Planning      

There are six strands in the Physical Education Curriculum.

Children have access to all six strands during their four years in St. Malachy’s M.N.S.

 Athletics, Games, Aquatics, Dance, Gymnastics, Ourdoor & Adventure

Here is a link to the Primary Physical Education Curriculum


  • Our school yearly plan for Physical Education is devised so that each strand in each class level is taught simultaneously. This gives rise to opportunities for team teaching and collaboration.

For the year 2020/2021 our school is working to strengthen the strand of Dance.

Here is our yearly plan for P.E in St. Malachy’s;

  • Our children have 60 mins of PE each week. Children can also earn rewards in the form of extra P.E and physical activities.
  • All teachers have access to the PSSI lesson plans for their class level along with a bank of warm-up and cool-down activities.
  • Every child’s progress in PE is discussed with parents at parent/teacher meeting.
  • Feedback about progress in Physical Education is included in annual school reports.


Fundamental Movement Skills

Our school uses the Move Well, Move Often resource to teach the Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) which are the basic building blocks of physical literacy.

This year we have prioritised four of the FMS, namely; Jumping for Distance, Balancing, Throwing and Catching. 





















Here is a video of our classes working on the FMS






PAWS – Water Safety Programme

3rd class complete the Irish water safety PAWS programme in Term 3. The Students complete this programme on a yearly basis as it will remind the children of the importance of being safe around water.

This programme outlines the essential life-saving guidelines that every child needs to know. Every parent is qualified to guide their children through this programme and all lessons have been adapted to facilitate home learning.


P.E Equipment

  • An inventory of resources and equipment is made available to each teacher at the beginning of each year.
  • The equipment is stored in a designated room in the school hall and every teacher has access to it. All the equipment is clearly labelled and placed in its designated location after use.
  • Teachers view P.S.S.I. lesson plans to assist in planning their P.E classes.
  • Teachers use the Move Well, Move Often Resource for teaching the Fundamental Movement Skills.



Staff Resource Library

The staff have access to an online storage library of resources.

  • PE Curriculum Document
  • Be Active ASAP resource folder
  • PPSI (Primary School Sports Initiative) lesson plans
  • NCCA ‘PE Guidelines for Children with Mild to Moderate Learning Difficulties’
  • Bizzy Breaks ideas
  • Move Well, Move Often Resource
  • Running initiatives and activities
  • Non Contact Physical Activities 


Staff Developments

  • Teachers have attended CPD courses to upskill and enhance their knowledge in Physical Education.
  • Teachers observe and assist visiting coaches.
  • Team teaching leads to the sharing of expertise.


Health and Safety

  • Teachers and pupils engage in ‘Warming Up’ and ‘Cooling Down’ exercises to ensure safe enjoyment of the activity.
  • Runners are worn and no jewellery is worn. Teachers ensure runners are securely tied.
  • Tracksuits are worn on P.E days.
  • Staff are aware of children with medical conditions which could impact on a child’s ability to participate in certain activities.