



Partnerships within and outside the school are an important aspect of the Active School Flag. When a school participates in the Active School Flag Programme it is vital to interact and engage with other organisations and clubs.

We in St. Malachy’s have created strong links with many organisations and clubs in the wider Finglas community and beyond.

We use Twitter throughout the year to keep all of our followers and parents up to date on our sporting activities and events.


Some of our Partnerships and Community links include:

An Garda Síochana


Erin’s Isle GAA

Road Safety Authority

Finglas Sports and Leisure Centre

Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership

Cumann na mBunscoil

The Daily Mile

Sports for Schools


  • St. Malachy’s students compete in the Cumann Na mBunscoil Santry Sports every year which is held in Morton Stadium.
  • The children are encouraged to join the local clubs and representatives of these clubs are invited to address the pupils and give details of training times etc.
  • St. Malachy’s have strong links with the local sporting community including Rivermount football club and Erin’s Isle. We use Rivermount hall which is across the road from school for many of our sporting activities and P.E lessons. We play in Erin’s Isle for GAA matches and training.
  • All classes go swimming each year in blocks of 4-6 weeks in Finglas Leisure Centre.
  • We link closely with Dublin City Sport and Wellbeing Partnership and the Finglas Sports Development Officer who inform us about organised events throughout the school year. e.g #GAGA Get All Girls Active, Laser Tag Competition
  • The Daily Mile Initiative is one that we have participated in over the last year.


Local Heroes

Check out Philly McMahon, Dublin Senior Football player and All Ireland Medal Holder with a series of fun challenges for you to do at home. Have fun!! 🙂



Active Slogan Competition

We recently held a competition where each child had to design a poster and come up with their own Active Slogan‘. The standard was extremely high so well done to all of the children who participated! 🙂 


ST. MALACHY’S ACTIVE SLOGAN : Keep Moving, Keep Improving!

Created by: Nicholas, 6th Class



Runners up:

6th Class: Adam

5th Class: Madison and Callum

4th Class: Ava and Kian

3rd Class: Sophia








Survey: What club are you in?

The active school committee organised a survey for the children in St. Malachy’s. We wanted to gather as much information about local sports clubs in the wider Finglas area.

Here are the results:

120 children were surveyed from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes.

52 children are a member of a sports club. 68 are not a member of a sports club.

Popular sports that emerged from our survey were; Football, GAA, Dance, Boxing, Gymnastics, Swimming, Taekwondo and Jiu Jitsu, Horse riding, Basketball.

The most popular sport among the children of St. Malachy’s is Football.



















Get Involved: Become a St. Malachy’s Partner

If you are involved in a sports club or are a physical activity provider we would love to hear from you. We actively encourage members of the local community to come and visit our school especially during our ‘Active Schools Week’ at the end of term 3 to give a taster session of your activity/ sport to the children. We would love to try something we have never done before, that would be great fun!

At the moment we are looking into some of the following:

  • Tag rugby
  • Tug of war
  • Boxing
  • Taekwondo
  • Ultimate Frisbee

We would be delighted if you could volunteer some of your time to help us renew our Active Flag. If anyone in the community has any ideas or can lend a helping hand during active schools week please contact the school.   The teachers leading this project are: Ms. Reape and Ms. Sherlock




Road Safety Authority Talk

As the Active School programme promotes active travel through walking, cycling and park and stride to school we thought it would be important to invite a speaker from the Road Safety Authority into school to remind the children of the importance of keeping safe on the road while walking or cycling.  The talk was very informative. We need to ensure we are following the rules of the road and keeping ourselves safe at all times. 

Here is a link to a short video about safety when cycling    Cycle Safe Video




Tolka Valley Parkrun

We are encouraging everyone to make a change to your Saturday mornings, the Parkrun is here in Tolka Valley! Everyone is welcome- children, mums, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents whether you walk, jog or run. This is a fantastic, free event that takes place every Saturday at 9.30am.

It is a great way to get active in the local community. Get out and get moving!

Follow this link to register for the Parkrun    Tolka Valley Park Run